Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I dont get it
Why cant u let me be happy?
What did i do to deserve this from you?
To need to swallow all those hurtful stuff that you said all by myself?
Why do i have to cry while walking home?
Why do i have to lock myself in the room and cry?
And at the same time keep asking Him why does he want to do this to me?
Ask him why when i already prayed so hard, I still got hurt?
Ask him why when i already ask him to lift my pain, i still feel the pain deep inside?
That i wanna inflict some physical wound so that it can take off some pain out of my heart?
Felt that pain from a wound that you can see is better than the pain from a wound that you cant see.
At least you can apply to make the wound better. But a heart pain makes me want to die.

Dear God,
If you're going to put me thru all these, why didnt you just let me die?
So that i wouldnt have to feel the pain?
Why u just cant let good things happen in my life?
I was happy the other day. When i got the chance.
I thought this is the time for me to change things.
This is the time for me to get things better in my life
I thought that if i grab the chance and make things better, i would be happy again.
But no... you took it away.
What did i do to deserve this?
I'd already promise you everything
Why do you want to take away the most important thing in my life?
Why cant you just let me be happy?
Why do you want to put me thru all these?
Why dont you just let me get involve in a car accident and make me at least lose all my memories?
Why do you want to do this to me?
I just need something good to happen in my life.
Cant u just help me already?

"I dont want to see you anymore"

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